
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 index / Path does not match
14 api/session /api2/session Path does not match
15 subscriber /subscriber Path does not match
16 subscribercreatenewsub /subscriberCreateNewSub Path does not match
17 subscribereditsub /subscriberEditSub Path does not match
18 subscriberdeletesub /subscriberDeleteSub Path does not match
19 alert /alert Path does not match
20 alertupdateUp /alertUpdate/{up} Path does not match
21 alertupdate /updateAlertes Path does not match
22 alertupdatehour /alertUpdateHour Path does not match
23 alerttechupdatehour /alertTechUpdateHour Path does not match
24 alertupdateexpressUp /alertUpdateExpress/{up} Path does not match
25 alertupdateexpress /updateAlertesExpress Path does not match
26 alerttechupdateUp /alertTechUpdate/{up} Path does not match
27 alerttechupdate /updateAlertesTech Path does not match
28 alertupdatefichesUp /updateAlertesFiches/{up} Path does not match
29 alertupdatefiches /updateAlertesFiches Path does not match
30 alertdeletefiches /deleteFiches Path does not match
31 alertchercheFicheUp /chercheFiche/{up} Path does not match
32 alertchercheFiche /chercheFiche Path does not match
33 createAlertesFiche /createAlertesFiche Path does not match
34 alertupdaterubricUp /alertUpdateRubric/{up} Path does not match
35 alertupdaterubric /updateRubricAlertes Path does not match
36 updateformatalert /updateFormatAlert Path does not match
37 nltechupdateUp /updateHebdoTech/{up} Path does not match
38 nltechupdate /updateHebdoTech Path does not match
39 calendar /calendar Path does not match
40 invoice /invoice Path does not match
41 invoice_fact /invoice/{id} Path does not match
42 newsletter /newsletter Path does not match
43 profile /profile Path does not match
44 profilePwd /password Path does not match
45 iscan /iscan Path does not match
46 api/iscan /api/iscan Path does not match
47 iscan/query /iscan/query={query} Path does not match
48 iscanaddkey /iscanAddKey Path does not match
49 iscandeletekey /iscanDeleteKey&idKey={id} Path does not match
50 iscan/q /iscan/q={q} Path does not match
51 iscan/idIscan /iscan/idIscan={idIscan} Path does not match
52 iscan/addalertiscan /iscan/updateAlertIscan Path does not match
53 iscan/updatealertiscan /iscan/addAlertIscan Path does not match
54 iscan/deletealertiscan /iscan/deleteAlertIscan Path does not match
55 iscanaddiscanfiche /iscanAddIscanFiche Path does not match
56 iscandeleteiscanfiche /iscanDeleteIscanFiche Path does not match
57 api/article /api/article Path does not match
58 article /article Path does not match
59 article/page /article/page={page} Path does not match
60 articleaddarticle /articleAddArticle Path does not match
61 articledeletearticle /articleDeleteArticle&nodeId={id} Path does not match
62 api/articledeletearticle /api/articleDeleteArticle Path does not match
63 articledeleteallarticles /articleDeleteAllArticles Path does not match
64 referentiel /referentiel Path does not match
65 referentieldeletereferentiel /referentielDeleteReferentiel/{id} Path does not match
66 api/referentieldeletereferentiel /api/referentielDeleteReferentiel Path does not match
67 referentieldeleteallreferentiel /referentielDeleteAllReferentiel Path does not match
68 export /export Path does not match
69 getgraphexportglobal /export/exportGlobal Path does not match
70 apiCFNEWS /apiCFNEWS Path does not match
71 apigraphhistory /api/graph Path does not match
72 apirepartition /api/repartition Path does not match
73 api/fiche /api/fiche Path does not match
74 fiche /fiche Path does not match
75 fiche/q /fiche/q={q} Path does not match
76 fiche/idFiche /fiche/idFiche={idFiche} Path does not match
77 ficheaddfiche /ficheAddFiche Path does not match
78 fichedeletefiche /ficheDeleteFiche/{id} Path does not match
79 api/fichedeletefiche /api/ficheDeleteFiche Path does not match
80 fichedeleteallfiches /ficheDeleteAllFiches Path does not match
81 gestion /gestion Path does not match
82 gestion&unsub_email /gestion&unsub_email=:unsub_email Path does not match
83 gestionunsuball /gestionUnsubAll Path does not match
84 gestionupdatealertes&unsub_emailUp /gestionUpdateAlertes/unsub_email={unsub_email}/{up} Path does not match
85 gestionupdatealertes&unsub_email /gestionUpdateAlertes/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
86 gestionalertupdatehour&unsub_email /gestionAlertUpdateHour/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
87 gestionupdatealertestech&unsub_emailUp /gestionUpdateAlertesTech/unsub_email={unsub_email}/{up} Path does not match
88 gestionupdatealertestech&unsub_email /gestionUpdateAlertesTech/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
89 gestionupdatealerteshourtech&unsub_email /gestionAlertUpdateHourTech/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
90 gestionalertupdatehourtech&unsub_email /gestionAlertUpdateHourTech/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
91 gestionupdatealertesexpress&unsub_emailUp /gestionUpdateAlertesExpress/unsub_email=:unsub_email/{up} Path does not match
92 gestionupdatealertesexpress&unsub_email /gestionUpdateAlertesExpress/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
93 gestionupdatehebdotech&unsub_emailUp /gestionUpdateHebdoTech/unsub_email={unsub_email}/{up} Path does not match
94 gestionupdatehebdotech&unsub_email /gestionUpdateHebdoTech/unsub_email={unsub_email} Path does not match
95 feature /feature Path does not match
96 feature/page /feature/page=:page Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.